It’s been just about two months since our last update. Our GDPR compliance efforts are moving quickly.
- We are in the final stages of preparing a privacy policy that meets the requirements of the U.S. / EU / Swiss Privacy Shield process. If are a customer, and you need an advance copy of our privacy policy to facilitate your GDPR efforts, please email gdprquestions [at] cpanel.net.
- Data processing agreements
- We will soon be updating our contracts to provide a data processing addendum for data about EU / EEA individuals that is processed outside that jurisdiction. These addenda will be ready in the middle of May. If you would like a beta copy of these addenda to facilitate your GDPR efforts, please email gdprquestions [at] cpanel.net. Because of our timeline, this beta addenda may not be immediately available.
- We will soon have a stand-alone data processing addendum for vendors who seek to do business with us.
- Our data processing addendum and agreements are based on, but significantly less complex than, the “model clauses.” It is our intention to include only provisions directly related to GDPR compliance and not to significantly change contract terms unrelated to GDPR compliance.
There are some other issues you may want to review.
- There may be significant changes to how who-is operates. If you rely on whois or are a registry, it is important to pay attention to this issue. A good place to start is ICANN Data Protection/Privacy Issues.
- If you are concerned about the transfer of data outside the EEA, start with the information provided by the EDPS.
- Everyone should be aware of the GDPR’s impact on cookies and online tracking.
If you are a customer and have specific questions, the best way for you to reach out to us is to open a ticket. If you are not a customer and have a question, you can email us: gdprquestions [at] cpanel [dot] net
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